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Health/Attendance Office

Kathy Traster, RN, BSN
Amy Wierzbicki, RN, BSN
Phone: 952-985-9939
Fax: 952-469-5752
All Saints Catholic School is pleased to be able to offer your children health services that best accommodate their needs. The Health/Attendance Office is staffed during the school day Monday-Friday. They serve the entire school family by handling attendance, health and immunization records, medication, first aid, referrals, and education through prevention and awareness.
When to contact the Health/Attendance Office:
In addition, please note:
  • Students must be fever-free, less than 100.0 degrees without medication for 24 hours before coming to school!
  • NO vomiting or diarrhea for 24+ hours before coming to school!
  • Do not send medication of any kind in with your child. Minnesota State law requires a doctor's prescription/note for any medication given during school time, including over the counter medicines.
  • During the "cold and flu" season, we suggest that parents remind their children to wash their hands frequently to prevent the spread of germs and get plenty of rest in order to remain healthy.
  • If your child is returning to school with a cast, stitches, crutches or any restrictive injury, your child must visit the Health Office upon return with a note from the doctor. Children will not be permitted to participate in gym or recess without such documentation and without medical clearance from the doctor.
Questions? Contact Kathy Traster, RN, BSN or Amy Wierzbicki, RN, BSN
Phone: 952-985-9939
Immunization forms are due BEFORE school year starts in September.