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All Saints Catholic School is accredited by the Minnesota Non-Public School Accrediting Association. Annual reports are submitted to this agency in order to meet Association standards, and an onsite visit occurs every seven years. All Saints Catholic School completed an intensive self-study and validation visit in the spring of 2019. Curriculum evaluation is an on-going process at All Saints Catholic School. Curriculum goals and programs to support those goals are selected after careful study and consultation on the part of the staff.
Annually All Saints Catholic School reports to the MNSAA board. The strategic plan is updated with our accomplishments and, when applicable, new strategies and action steps are added. 
Comments from the Onsite Accreditation Team:

The onsite accreditation team would like to thank All Saints School and Parish for your warm welcome and gracious hospitality throughout our visit on March 18-20, 2019. The team had an opportunity to interview stakeholders including Fr. Wilson, Carol Margarit, faculty, staff, students, and parents.

There is a palpable sense of joy among students, staff, and parents of the All Saints Community. The team was impressed by the openness, friendliness, and enthusiasm of the children. They are a good example of what the results of religious education can be, and their attitude is a testimony to the hospitality associated with All Saints Catholic School and Parish.  We quickly learned that Catholic education is important to the parents of those children. The teachers with their effort, knowledge, creativity, and skills reminded us of the great things that can happen in classrooms. The relationships among staff are highly collaborative and supportive. All Saints staff really believe in educating all students and they offer many opportunities for both enrichment and support.

The team found that parish and school leadership foster a strong sense of community, academic excellence, and commitment to student spiritual growth. The All Saints Community benefits from the forward thinking and strategic planning of school and parish leadership. Parents and community members are highly engaged in volunteering and supporting All Saints Catholic School. Programs like Strive for Five, the recycling program and Pet Partners are highly innovative and effective.

Thank you for the opportunity to spend time with you and learn all the wonderful things that are part of the All Saints Catholic School experience!


Summary of Visit- All Saints Catholic School

Most Significant Areas of Strength:

  • All Saints Catholic School lives its mission of guiding children to Christ through faith, learning, community and service. This is particularly evident in the joyful environment and the positive interactions between and among students, staff, and parents.
  • All Saints has a positive school climate that contributes to a strong sense of community with a high level of collaboration and trust among staff and between staff and parents.
  • Exceptional leadership supports All Saints Catholic School by responding to the needs and development of faculty and staff, planning for the future of All Saints; and ensuring effective organizational systems.
  • All Saints is blessed with wonderful facilities that are very well maintained, efficiently used, and includes an innovative school-wide recycling program.
  • All Saints Catholic school is committed to meeting the unique needs of students through quality instruction, and a broad array of enrichment and support services.


Most Significant Areas Identified for Growth/Improvement:

  • All Saints Catholic School needs to develop a written process for ongoing evaluation of standards, instruction & assessment and needs a plan to ensure the effective use of assessment data to inform instruction and decision making.
  • All Saints Catholic School needs to make substantial revisions to their School Strategic Plan to meet the MNSAA quality expectations.
  • All Saints Catholic School need to develop and implement a plan to address building safety and security concerns.
Our Plan to Address the Areas of Growth/Improvement:
  • Create a document which will state the processes we use to evaluate the standards, instruction & assessment and needs a plan to ensure the effective use of assessment data to inform instruction and decision making.
    • Document was created, submitted and approved. 
  • Revise our School Strategic Plan to reduce how aggressive it is (spread action steps out over a couple years). Revisit our challenges in our self-study to ensure they are incorporated into the plan if appropriate.
    • Plan was revised, submitted and approved. 
  • While this is in our strategic plan, we will create a document to show the steps we are currently taking after reviewing our safety and security. 
    • Four doors were installed during the summer of 2019 to secure the school.