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Minnesota Zoo - Gr. 3

This form is for All Saints 3rd grade students.

Minnesota Zoo
13000 Zoo Blvd.
Apple Valley, MN  55124 

When: May 28, 2024      9:30-2:00

Lunch: Students will need a sack lunch. Please label with the child's name, and everything must be disposable (no lunchboxes).

Cost:  $14.25, which covers the cost of the bus and admission. At the end of this form, you will have the option to pay or SKIP that step and send in a check. Instructions for paying by check will appear after you submit. PLEASE honor the due date.

What to wear: Marathon shirt and uniform bottoms

Staff Members in Charge: Mrs. Glandon and Mrs. DeMaster

DUE: by Tuesday, May 21.
         Please complete this form and make payment by the due date. It helps us so much!

For questions or problems with this permission form, please contact Chris Spinler (952-469-3332 or [email protected]).


Field Trip Parental Consent Form & Indemnity Agreement for Day Trips

Please complete the form below on a computer device, as a phone does not work consistently.

One form per student.

Required fields marked *

Answer Required
Answer Required

I, the above named parent/guardian, grant permission for the above named child to participate in the above named school event that requires transportation to a location away from the school site. This activity will take place under the guidance and direction of school employees and/or volunteers from All Saints Catholic School.

I understand and agree that as parent/legal guardian I remain legally responsible for any personal actions taken by the above named minor ("student/participant"). Further, I hereby warrant that to the best of my knowledge, my child is in good health, and I assume all responsibility for the health of my child.

I agree on behalf of myself, my child named herein, or our heirs, successors, and assigns, to hold harmless and defend All Saints Catholic School/Parish, its officers, directors, employees and agents, and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, its employees and agents, chaperones, or representatives associated with the event and activities (herinafter "Releasees"), from any claim, including but not limited to all claims relating to communicable disease, arising from or in connection with my child attending the event or in connection with any illness or injury (including death) or cost of medical treatment in connection therewith, and I agree to compensate Releasees for reasonable attorney's fees and expenses which may incur in any action brought against them as a result of such injury or damage, unless such claim arises from the negligence of Releasees.

Communicable Disease Release, Hold Harmless & Indemnification Agreeement: I agree to hold Releasees harmless, release, defend, and indemnify Releasees for any communicable disease claim arising out of the above Event that is brought against Releasees by myself, participant, my family members, heirs, assigns, executors, and personal representatives. I understand and agree this communicable disease release, hold harmless, and indemnification agreement includes claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of participant, myself, and others, including, but not limited to the Releasees.

Electronic Signature: By typing my signature below, I acknowledge and agree this electronic or digital signature is the legally binding equivalent to my handwritten signature. This electronic or digital signature has the same validity and meaning as my handwritten signature. By typing my signature below as Parent or Guardian, I acknowledge and agree to all of the above stated considerations and conditions.


If your child is ill or has symptoms including but not limited to fever, cough, runny nose, etc., please do not send your child to school or on this field trip.

EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT: In the event of an emergency, I hereby give permission to transport my child to a hospital for emergency medical or surgical treatment. In the event of an emergency, if you are unable to reach me/us at the above number(s), please contact:

SPECIFIC MEDICAL INFORMATION: The school will take reasonable care to see that the following information will be held in confidence.

Electronic Signature: By typing my signature below, I acknowledge and agree this electronic or digital signature is the legally binding equivalent to my handwritten signature. This electronic or digital signature has the same validity and meaning as my handwritten signature. By typing my signature below as Parent or Guardian, I acknowledge and agree to all of the above stated considerations and conditions.

Online Payment for admission and bus, click below.
To pay with a check or cash, SKIP this step and see the instructions once you submit this form.
Answer Required
Confirmation Email